Indian cricket team won the first bilateral ODI series in Australia by defeating the hosts by seven wickets in the final ODI match at the Melbourne Cricket Ground (MCG). And Bollywood actress and Indian cricketer Virat Kohli’s wife Anushka Sharma has congratulated the team. Anushka wrote a special message for her hubby Virat and the Indian cricket team.
Anushka took to Instagram to share a pic of the Indian cricket team with their winning trophy and wrote a beautiful message for them and for Virat.
Anushka said that she is proud of her husband and love of her life Virat for his superb performance. ‘’What an unforgettable & outstanding tour it’s been !! Happy to have witnessed the historic victories by the men HUGE congratulations. And so proud of you my love @virat.kohli,’’ wrote Anushka praising India cricket team and Virat.