In the wake of a fatal car crash claiming two lives in Pune’s Kalyani Nagar, Pune Police has made significant arrests. The father of the 17-year-old driver involved in the accident has been apprehended in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad, alongside the proprietors of bars where the minor consumed alcohol.
The tragic incident occurred early Sunday morning when a luxury Porsche, driven by the teenager, collided with a motorcycle, resulting in the immediate demise of Anis Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta. CCTV footage revealed the Porsche hurtling at an alarming 200 kmph in a narrow lane.
The case has been transferred to Pune Police’s crime branch. The boy’s father faces charges under sections 75 and 77 of the Juvenile Justice Act, relating to neglecting a child and providing intoxicants to a minor, respectively.
Victims Aneesh Awadhiya and Ashwini Koshta, both IT engineers, were returning from a gathering when their bike was struck from behind by the speeding Porsche, leading to their tragic demise.
Commissioner of Police Amitesh Kumar disclosed that the minor had been celebrating his class 12 results at a local pub, consuming alcohol before the accident. Given Maharashtra’s legal drinking age of 25, serving the minor was unlawful, resulting in charges against the bar owners.
Public outcry intensified following the Juvenile Justice Board’s decision to grant the minor bail merely 15 hours post-detention, coupled with lenient rehabilitative measures. In response, Pune Police seeks to try the juvenile as an adult, citing the gravity of the offense under section 304 of the IPC.
Legal action against the pub is underway, with proprietors facing serious charges for serving alcohol to a minor, exacerbating the tragic outcome.