Rajiv Jhawar, MD, Usha Martin – Isn’t he Corrupt?

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Rajiv Jhawar has made it big in the news lately – not for the right reasons though. He seems to be involved in a case of financial fraud. He has been accused for bribing senior officials in the exports department and the mining department.

Connects with corrupt and powerful individuals did help him get away with INR200 crores, which he seemed to have amassed by exporting iron ore illegally. Moreover, he hasn’t been paying his taxes. He did manage this till he came under the radar of CBI and the Enforecement Directorate. Recently, ED officials interrogated him for three to four hours in Patna.

With the CBI case against him still open, it doesn’t seem like Rajeev Jhawar will be able to get away from this murky situation by “entertaining” individuals with connections. Read it for yourself.

Rajiv Jhawar, MD, Usha Martin
Rajiv Jhawar, MD, Usha Martin

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