Standoff between police, lawyers as advocate arrested for scuffle

Standoff between police, lawyers as advocate arrested for scuffle
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Cops allege Shahin damaged a wireless handset; lawyers claim damage is fabricated story

KOCHI:  Police and lawyers found themselves in a tense standoff following the arrest of a young advocate on Saturday night for allegedly damaging a wireless handset. The Ernakulam Bar Association contends that a fabricated case has been filed against the lawyer, Muhammad Shahin, who is associated with P M Siraj Associates. They plan to file a formal complaint with the Advocate General against the Ernakulam North Station House Officer (SHO).

The incident unfolded on  Saturday at 8.30pm when Ernakulam North Police received a phone call reporting a group of youngsters allegedly using ganja near the railway tracks near SRM Road, close to Pachalam. In response, a police team led by SHO Prathap Chandran K G promptly arrived at the scene and conducted a thorough search of SRM Road and the nearby areas. However, despite their efforts over approximately 15 minutes, no individuals were found in connection with the reported incident.

According to the police’s account of events, while returning to the police station, they encountered Shahin standing at Perumbodath lane on SRM Road, smoking a cigarette.  Prathap advised the lawyer not to smoke in a public place. In response, Shahin declined the request and instead suggested that the police file a case against him. This exchange escalated into a confrontation between Prathap and Shahin. Police officials allege that the lawyer forcibly grabbed the wireless handset attached to Prathap’s belt and threw it to the ground. Conversely, lawyers claim that the SHO  behaved arrogantly and that the damage to the wireless set is a fabricated story.

By 9.15pm, Shahin was arrested and taken to the Ernakulam North Police station, where he was charged under the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act. Shahin was subsequently presented before the residence of the Ernakulam Judicial First Class Magistrate on Sunday, who initially granted him interim bail until Monday at 11am. As directed, the lawyer appeared at the magistrate court on Monday and was granted bail.

Meanwhile, the Ernakulam Bar Association issued a statement condemning the actions of the police against the lawyer. The statement asserts that the fabricated charges were brought against Shahin simply because he questioned the police’s alleged unlawful conduct. Furthermore, it highlights that the young lawyer sustained a head injury during an altercation with the police. The Bar Association announced their intention to file a complaint with the Advocate General, seeking appropriate action against the involved police officials. In response to the incident, the police have initiated a fact-finding inquiry.

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