Newlyweds, 39 Guests Fall 25 Feet As Dance Floor Collapses During Wedding In Italy

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A wedding celebration in Italy took a terrifying turn as a newly married couple and over 30 guests were sent to the hospital after the dance floor collapsed during their reception. Paolo Mugnaini and Valeria Ybarra, both 26, had organized their wedding at the former Giaccherino convent in Pistoia, Italy, inviting around 150 people, as reported by the New York Post.

As the guests joyously danced, a sudden and massive hole appeared beneath them, causing everyone to plunge 25 feet through the floor amid rubble, debris, and wooden planks. The couple had to spend their special day in the hospital due to the unexpected incident.

Recalling the harrowing experience, groom Paolo Mugnaini shared that the atmosphere had been cheerful before the collapse. He described the disorienting moment, stating, “Suddenly, I found myself in another dimension, in the dark, in the void. In a moment, I heard bodies falling on me, along with rubble of all kinds, dust, splinters.” He expressed concern for his wife, Valeria, who initially seemed unresponsive, fearing she might be buried under the debris.

According to Metro, six individuals sustained serious injuries, while ten were classified as ‘moderately’ injured. Fortunately, all those affected are now in stable condition, receiving treatment at the San Jacopo Hospital in Pistoia.

Disturbing images surfaced online, depicting the newlyweds lying hand in hand in separate hospital beds, each with a drip attached to the groom’s arm.

The owners of the reception venue expressed bewilderment over the incident, referring to it as a “tragic and unpredictable event.” Authorities have closed the former convent as an investigation into its structural integrity is underway. In response to the incident, the couple has filed a complaint against the venue with local prosecutors. The community awaits further details as they grapple with the aftermath of this unexpected and unfortunate turn of events.

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